Monday, March 28, 2011

Denver Public Art

Check out this link:

Denver has a really cool public art program... exploring their art district over spring break was awesome! My favorite was a big blue bear looking into the Colorado Convention Center, as well as two huge figures dancing near their performing arts center. Really cool!

Monday, March 14, 2011


I actually completed a concentration piece on Thursday, which is really exciting because I'm really close on many of them, but having a final product makes me feel much more accomplished. I'm stoked to keep finishing them.
I am drowning in makeup work from two weeks of not being able to read because of a concussion and also from missing three days of school for State ski racing, which is adding some stress, but I finally had a free weekend day yesterday, and making strides with my art is helping to relieve that stress a little bit.
I also got some really good insight from a friend this weekend while the stress was freakin' me out. She helped me think about my priorities a little bit. Things like the earthquake/tsunami in Japan make me realize that homework is not the number one thing to worry about in life.

Monday, February 14, 2011

I'm excited to keep going with my layering for my concentration pieces. It seems to be working out semi-well. I'm going to attempt to incorporate photo transfer in that as well, but I don't want to cross the fine line between detailed, messy organization and making my pieces too busy. I will post pictures as I make more progress. Woooo!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Two concentration pieces

So these are my pieces that I've started most recently:

The first is supposed to represent technology... I'm going to layer tissue over the wing of the plane with a number-like pattern, but I'm having trouble deciding what the viewer should be looking at over the plane wing... some type of nature-y thing. Idea in progress/starting this was spur of the moment but I want to go with it and represent how technology and nature mesh.

The second is a watercolor. I'm working on drifting away from just using acrylic, and I want to drift towards my original idea of layering. I am going to use charcoal and pastels over this watercolor. I'm going to draw skyscrapers in charcoal to mirror the natural landscape. I was inspired by a photo in a magazine for this one. I'm also working on a similar piece right now, layering a bridge and a sunset.


Monday, January 17, 2011

Happy birthday MLK!

So I was in Palm Springs playing lacrosse this weekend and I was incredibly inspired by my surroundings. Palm Springs is surrounded by mountains on all sides. I was also inspired by the view of the southern California sunset as we departed last night and all the views I saw out of the plane window, beautifully nature-y and metropolis-y.

I have also been thinking a lot today about MLK (Junior) and his message and how we can apply it today. Our world would be so different and so sad without the changes he created. There are still so many things that need our attention today and I think we can look to him and the way he changed people's lives for an example of how to most effectively address these things and make the positive changes our world needs now. "I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant."Good stuff.